Classified Ads

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Montana Red Devons
Montana Red Devons
Montana Red Devons raises hardy purebred Devon and Devon influence cattle at 5000' elevation in southwest Montana. 100% grass fed. Purebred Bulls, Devon and Devon influence females of all ages, semen, embryos for sale. --- VISIT THE FULL PAGE AD!
Haywood Farm
40-50 Red Devon beef cows and 3 bulls. Mixture of registered cows with calves, heifers, and steers. Haywood Farm, Winchester, KY. Kirk 254-223-1843 or Leah 512-539-9140.
Heritage Trail Farm
40 Registered Red Devon beef cows, will start calving Sept. 1. John Lindley, Heritage Trail Farm, Prosperity, PA 724-222-5766 or 412-514-3270