classified - instructions


  1. Classified Ad: Words only and up to 75 words Run Time: 3 Months Cost: $30
  2. Premium Ad: Includes Classified Ad: Includes Link to Additional Full Page Ad with 2 Photos Run Time: 3 Months Cost: $60
  3. Banner Ad (Small Box/Banner on Page)With Link to Breeder’s Website Located on:

    A. Home Run Time: 4 Months Cost: $300
    B. Devon Cattle Run Time: 4 Months Cost: $100
    C. National Show Run Time: 4 Months Cost: $100
    D. World Devon Congress Run Time: 4 Months Cost: $200
    E. Membership Run Time: 4 Months Cost: $100
    F. Bylaws and Fees Run Time: 4 Months Cost: $100
    G. Breeders Run Time: 4 Months Cost: $200
    H. Registry Run Time: 4 Months Cost: $100
    I. Contact Run Time: 4 Months Cost: $100

NOTE: One Banner Ad per page. First come, first serve basis.

NOTE: Email Ad info to

NOTE: Red Devon USA | PO Box 260 | Kearney, MO 64060