
Join our growing community of US-based farmers and breeders devoted to preserving Red Devon cattle. Our members have a unique opportunity to learn & share best practices for grass-fed beef production, thus improving their bottom line and the sustainability of their farms.

How to join Red Devon USA:
  1. Determine your membership dues – To review membership pricing, click here.

  2. Download our Membership Form (pdf). Mail the form and payment to:
    Red Devon USA
    PO Box 260
    Kearney, MO 64060


  3. You can use one of our online options and online form (below).
  • Online Payment - One Time Payment

    Membership Type

  • Online Payment - Subscription (Returning Members Only)

    We encourage all returning Red Devon Members to use our subscription option. This ensures that your membership will automatically renew at the beginning of the year and that you will continue to receive all of the benefits associated with your membership. Simply download the form below, fill it out and mail it to:

    Red Devon USA
    PO Box 260
    Kearney, MO 64060

    Click here to download the Subscription Form.