Benefits of Devon Cattle

Over the years, the Devon breed has retained its moderate frame, foraging ability and carcass merit. If you’re wondering what this means to your operation, results from multiple feedlot studies showed that Devon sired calves gained weight more efficiently and therefore returned a significant dollar advantage over other English breeds.

Additionally as the movement towards sustainable farming continues to grow the Devon’s phenotype proves to be ideally suited to low-input grass farming. Devon bulls grown at a Virginia test station in 2006 averaged a 3.45 ADG over 140 days on grass. Additionally, Devon calves at the same station averaged a 2.25 ADG on grass alone.

Of the Devon carcasses evaluated in this country, 96% have met the demands of the most stringent beef retailers. Devons are recognized world wide for producing some of the finest beef off pasture alone.
It’s not unusual for a top Devon heifer to calve before she is two, and rebreed in 45 days. The top-selling Devon bull’s semen has a live rate of over 90%–compared to the national average.
Maternal abilities go hand-in-hand with fertility. Devon mothers routinely cycle before they’re a year old, calve easily, and produce rich milk that is high in butterfat (4.5%).
The average age of beef cattle in the U.S. is five years. The average age of Devon cattle in the U.S. is seven.
Devon cattle did not take part in the feedlot madness that has had a stranglehold on the American beef industry since WWII. This kept the breed firmly in the hands of Devon breeders who insures the integrity of the breed’s genetics. No breed has a purer genetic base than the Devon.
Devon’ historically close relationship with man insures that they are first, and always, docile.
Devon have the thickest hides of any cattle in the world. That means that the Devon cattle have better resistance to external parasites and tolerate weather changes and extremes of temperature.
The Devon’s robust constitution has enabled them to flourish in the diverse environments of Brazil, Australia Canada Africa and the Middle East. You’ll find Devon breeders from Louisiana and Texas up to Washington and Maine.