David & Phyllis McGuire
3102 Campbellsburg Rd
Campbellsburg, KY 40011
McGuire Farms began its Devon journey in 2016 after researching the breed for nearly a year before making the first purchase. We started primarily with weanling and yearling heifers with a few very mature cows. We purchased from several individuals in Tennessee, North Carolina, Arkansas and Indiana. We have New Zealand and American genetics with some British in our bloodlines. All of our calves are polled thanks to a couple of homozygous polled herd bulls. We love the temperament, conformation, fertility, mothering instinct, calving ease, milk production, ability to get fleshy and marble on grass alone. It has taken awhile to get to the point that we can offer seedstock or stock for finishing. We also offer Devon beef packaged for the consumer that desires a healthier and source known grass fed beef. All Devon on our farm are purebred. All females and intact males are registered with Red Devon USA. We also breed and raise Rocky Mountain Horses and have found the Red Devon complement our horse operation. McGuire Farms was established in 1968 at our present location in Campbellsburg, Kentucky, USA. Farm visits are welcome by appointment.