BP Farms, LLC
6300 N Rea Rd.
Dundee, MI 48131
6300 N Rea Rd.
Dundee, MI 48131
We raise Organic 100% Grass Fed & 100% Grass Finished Beef from Red Devon Cattle, Organic Pastured Heritage Pork from Red Wattle pigs, Organic Pastured Heritage Brown Eggs, and Organic Pastured Free Range Chicken on our small farm. We sell the products from our farm direct to consumers through our website.
All of our products are grown using only sustainable, environmentally friendly, agricultural practices without the use of antibiotics, hormones/steroids, medications, pesticides, herbicides, or genetically modified products (GMOs). All our livestock are humanely raised on pasture.
What We Offer –
- We have Registered Red Devon breeding stock for sale. We have a variety of registered cows, heifers, and cow/calf pairs that are registered with Red Devon USA and some registered with the American Milking Devon Cattle Association. Our Red Devons have genetics from American and New Zealand lines along with older American and Milking Devon genetics. We breed first and foremost for good temperament along with easy finishing. We’ve found the 2 are closely related. Docile cattle produce the best beef. We are unique in that we pick up all our beef from the processor ourselves so we see the beef we are producing on a weekly basis. Our short and deep cattle with small to moderate frames produce the highest quality grass fed beef found anywhere. Along with beef quality and docility, we also breed for maternal instinct, good udders, high milk production, easy keeping, longevity, and a sound frame.
- 100% Grass Fed and 100% Grass Finished Beef: Halves, Quarters, and Eighths of beef sold by hanging weight in addition to beef cuts (Steaks, Roasts, Ground Beef) sold by the lb.
- We also offer organic pastured pork from Red Wattle pigs, organic pastured free range chicken, and organic pastured eggs from heritage breeds.