4 Seasons Farm LLC
Bob and Diana VanKirk
305 Pacanowski Lane
Tyrone PA 16686
C: (814) 937-6919
Bob and Diana VanKirk
305 Pacanowski Lane
Tyrone PA 16686
C: (814) 937-6919
4 Seasons Farm LLC has a long family history in the beef business. Bob grew up on a beef farm and has enjoyed developing his own herd of now 80 Registered Devons plus commercial cattle, with total numbers approaching 250 head. We strive to produce some of the best Registered Devons available through our breeding plan which utilizes artificial insemination, embryo transplants, and natural service. Along with our Registered Devon cows, we cross commercial cows with our Registered Devon bulls to incorporate hybrid vigor.
We work off a platform of integrity – treating our customers the way we would like to be treated. Visitors are always welcome, and we enjoy helping other farmers get started or improve their herds. Please contact us and see if we can fit the needs of your herd or to just talk about Devon cattle. You may also visit us on the web www.4seasonscattle.com.
What We Offer –
- Registered Devon/ Percentage Devon Breeding Stock - Bulls, Heifers, Cows
We offer diverse pedigrees with our animals to fit the needs of our customers and the demands of the grass-fed beef market. We have American, New Zealand, Australian, and England genetics, and are open to different genetic lines, always striving to keep the best animals based off of conformation and EPD data. We evaluate animals from top to bottom, closely looking at many important traits to ensure we maintain animals that have superb maternal instincts, docility, reasonable weaning/yearling weights, longevity, and excellent visual conformation. - Registered Devon Bull Semen
We offer semen from several diverse bulls that have worked well in grass-based operations, as well as from bulls that cross well for commercial breeders. We also have A2/A2 bulls and homozygous polled bulls. (Please see our website for more information.) - Registered Devon Embryos
We offer excellent embryos for sale from top animals in the breed, and can also produce specific lines for prospective customers if the need arises. - Grass Fed Beef
We sell 100% Grass Fed Beef by the ¼, ½, or whole animal.
We sell feeder and finished cattle on the hoof.