4 Seasons Farm Classified

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4 Seasons Farm LLC
Web: www.4SeasonsCattle.com
Email: GrassFed@4SeasonsCattle.com
Phone: 814-937-6919

Utley’s Sir Perfection

Registered Red Devon Bull Semen Available

By popular demand, 4 Seasons Farm LLC is offering straws of our Premier Herd Sire.

  • Perfection was Reserve Grand Champion at the 2022 National Show.
  • He was also chosen by attendees of the World Devon Congress as the top bull out of our 6 senior bulls.
  • Perfection has been our main herd sire for several years and we are pleased with his progeny. He is the full package
  • With superb docility, muscling, and balance. His pedigree allows an outcross for most Devons in America.
  • Combination of genetics from New Zealand, England, and America.
  • Average Calf Birth Weight 74lbs
  • Frame = 4.25 Weight = 1990 lbs Scrotal Circumference = 45 cm
  • $50 per ½ cc straw Volume Discounts Available