Red Devon USA
Spring 2022 Webinar Series
Thursday March 3, 2022 @ 7 pm EST
“Trees for Grazers - Next Level of Profits”
Austin Unruh is a private consultant that helps local farmers incorporate trees into their grazing system. Austin has written his own book that is soon to be available. He also runs his own nursery at his home. Austin discusses the major benefits of trees. Is it just shade? Could these trees produce fruit that could be used as stockpiled feed? Could these trees help fix nitrogen for our pastures? Austin has focused on genetics of good trees that grow straight, produce lots of fruit, gives proper shade, and fits the individual’s climate.
Wednesday March 23, 2022 @ 6 pm EST
“The Importance of Vaccines in a Natural Approach.”
Dr. Daron Jones is a member of Red Devon USA and enjoys serving on the Board of Directors. During Dr. Daron’s presentation, he will bring his combined experience as a livestock veterinarian and grass-fed beef farmer to discuss the use of vaccinations. The presentation will include an introduction of killed and modified-live vaccines; when to use them; and explain their value in a natural farming system.
Wednesday May 11, 2022 @ 7 pm EST
“Genetics & Bloodlines of foundational Red Devons part II”
This webinar was our best attended in the fall of 2021 and all the breeders in attendance were left wanting to hear and discuss more. If you missed part 1 check out youtube and get ready for a great sequel. Jeremy Engh, of Lakota Ranch will moderate, Jerry Engh of Lakota Ranch & special quest, Vic Edwards from Australia (world’s premier cattle expert) will recall some of the foundational Red Devons herds were built on in USA.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022 @ 7 pm EST
“Tips & Tricks of Devon’s”
Join us in a group discussion. Topics of discussion will be weighing calves & cattle, when to wean calves and adjusted weaning weights, handling systems, tagging, castrations, vaccination timing, pregnancy checking, lice managements, hay quality and testing. If you feel comfortable, we can share our mistakes we have made, that others could learn from. This will be an open discussion where we encourage others and help one another. If you have a specific topic you would like to discuss you could ask during this time or you could reach out to A.J. O’Neil ahead of time in preparation.
* Please supply us with your preferred mailing address, so we can get you a copy of the latest Soil Health Resource Guide, provided by Green Cover Seed!